Monday, September 15, 2008

Oh Porter Square...

I have lived in Porter Square for a little over a year, and wanted to start writing about all the fantastic, and some not so fantastic things, going on in this little square I call home.

To be honest, Convenience is my passion. (In other words, I am really lazy) If I can do anything within a 5-8 block radius to my apartment, all the better. Porter Square, I think, is the only square where you literally never have to leave the square to do anything.

I also think Porter Square has a little bit of a location complex. It is not as robust as Harvard, or even as hip as Davis. In fact, most people, when I say I live in Porter Square, usually are confused. I then let them know it’s that T Stop between Harvard and Davis. And they say, way out there... isn’t that where the commuter rail comes? (sigh) but it is a community worth blogging about because I think there is a lot going on and I think people don’t really know about it.

So I will start blogging about all the things going on in Porter Square…events, useful tips, newsworthy items, “famous” Porter Square people or locales, etc.. I am not sure anyone will ever find or read this blog, but if you do, I hope you find it useful.